This item on the list is pretty short, but a lot of thought went into this decision.
My music is exclusively published by Trevco Music Publishing. My scores are only available in print from Trevco, and I no longer distribute my scores digitally (outside of commissioning).
My experience publishing with Trevco over the last year has been spectacular. My editor, T.D. Ellis, is a dream collaborator: patient, thorough, responsive, honest, discerning, and patient. I am so happy to be working with one of the best publishers a composer could ask for, and I am honored to have my music available exclusively through their store.
Trevco now handles all of my publication business. If a score for one of my works that you know exists is unavailable from Trevco, that means that it is not available at all.
This may sound a little ominous, but what it usually will mean is either a) the score for the work you’re after is in the publication pipeline with Trevco but not yet released; b) under exclusivity with another performer, ensemble, or consortium; or c) in need of substantial enough revision that I have shelved it until someone comes asking. If you email me and inquire about the availability of a score that is not already published by Trevco, I will tell you which of those three categories the work falls under and give you an estimation on when it will become available.
For example, at the time of writing this, Wasatch Crest is currently in the publication pipeline with Trevco. I don’t know when it will be made available, but it is one of my most requested scores by solo harpists looking to develop a callus from playing harmonics. Special is currently under exclusivity with Kontra Duo until July 1, 2024. After that, it will be made available in three versions: baritone saxophone and harp (the original), bass clarinet and harp (so I can play it), and (just in time for IDRS 2024) bassoon and harp. Three Aviaries for Oboe, English Horn, Narrator, and String Quartet is unavailable because it is the most poorly formatted score I have ever created, and it would take a significant amount of effort to make it publication-ready. These are just three examples of the different categories of publication status, but you can contact me directly through email to check on the status for any score at any time.
Most of my present and future commissioning agreements include some kind of stipulation on exclusivity, but after the conclusion of the exclusivity period, they will be made available through Trevco. In very rare instances, scores may not be available after their performance due to other factors.
For new versions of works arrange for an instrumentation that is not the original will be handled on a case-by-case basis. There are a lot of factors that go into how I handle arranging my works.
But, for the most part, all past, present, and future Kincaid Rabb scores are now only available through Trevco.